Note: This eBook is included in the Data Storytelling Essentials: Data Visualization course at no extra cost. If you're looking for a deeper dive with guided lessons, consider enrolling in the on-demand program!
Show don't tell. This eBook is gives business leaders the tools they need to select and design their data message. Be the signal heard through the noise. Data visualization essentials include knowing the right tool to use to represent your data as well as the design elements that go into creating visualizations whether to find insights or to share them.
- Learn the three-step S-E-E process for creating effective data visualizations.
- Choose the right visualization tool to best represent the data.
- Evaluate the impact of design strategy on graphical representations of data.
- Develop data visualizations by applying the S-E-E process to charts and graphs.
Data Visualization eBook: Data Storytelling Essentials
24 - 11" x 8.5" pages (Cover + 20 inside)